Months ago Joy asked if I had ever worked with a brush pen and my answer was, embarassingly, no. But I was eager to try! Here's what came of our happy collaboration-- a new logo for photographer Alice Gao. You can learn more about Alice over at Joy's Lunch Series.
Karena + Charlie
There is so much I love about this wedding, beautifully photographed by Catharine Mead. I love that there is nothing more quintessentially British than a flower girl and a headstone; that there was a rainbow of fascinators on display, but also the occasional hand knit wool sweater; that the stunning family home was the location for the reception; and that I was lucky enough to work with Karena and Charlie (who arranged for his bride a truly romantic surprise gift). But most of all, I love what they looked like minutes after their vows, and what they looked like at the end of the night. Check out the rest of the photos here!
{photos via Catharine Mead}
And speaking of adorable people I'm lucky enough to know personally and work with on their wedding, here are some photos of Nora and Tal's menus and chalkboard (this time, I did not experience heart palpitations). Thanks to Nora, Tal and photographer Kimberly Coccagnia
It's been an avalanche of calligraphy recently-- apologies for the radio silence. But I did want to share this invitation from Rick and Stacy's wedding. I had the pleasure of attending the big day and am still reeling from the beauty and countless thoughtful touches. Whenever "What is Real?" is read aloud from the Velveteen Rabbit, by a dear mother-in-law with an Australian accent, my heart will swell.
Melanie + Mike, Part II
Now seems like a good time to post part II of Melanie and Mike's spectacular tropical wedding as it was recently featured on Style Me Pretty (thanks so much!) I love how a moment on the invitation was mirrored in real life.
I am so beyond, beyond honored to share February's gratitude winner with you. Projects like these remind me of just how fortunate I am to do the work I do. Back in January I got an email from Stephanie, a 25 year-old cancer survivor who is getting her PharmD. We collaborated to create the design for her tattoo, pictured above.
Stephanie's story embodies all that I hope to celebrate with Project Gratitude and the gratitude giveaways. How lucky we are to be alive. And to have inspiring role models like Stephanie who face adversity with such strength and grace. Thank you, Stephanie, for the opportunity to work with you, and for sharing these heartfelt words.
Four years ago, at the age of 21, I found out I had Extraskeletal Ewing’s Sarcoma, an extremely rare form of cancer which happened to be attached to a spinal nerve. I had just completed a difficult semester of pharmacy school, and a tumor removal surgery revealed cancerous tissue. The next year and a half would be filled with chemotherapy and radiation. To put things into perspective, every other treatment consisted of six days in a hospital with a continuous infusion of chemotherapy flowing into my body.
I have numerous scars on my body: nape of my neck (from the tumor removal), left upper chest area (port site to administer chemotherapy) and under my left arm (previous collapsed lung). I’ve had an incredible history of medical issues, including an additional spontaneous pneumothorax with pleural effusion, basically fluid in my lung cavity. Yet, after all of it, I tend to feel like it was fortunate these things happened to me because someone else may not be able to endure the pain.
I believe in la vie en rose, the French equivalent of “looking at life through rose-colored glasses.” There’s always a good side to events in one’s life, whether it be for your own good or someone else’s. The events that have happened in my life may not be ideal, but I know I am unique and stronger because of them. This tattoo means just that for me. I wanted to remind myself to maintain my innate positive outlook, and I wanted to put my own mark on my body. I also secretly insist I was meant to be Parisian, but that’s another story. La vie en rose reminds me that these marks are beautiful, they are unique. Some people wish they had interesting scars and marks on their body.. And, at the age of 26, I do - some by chance and one by choice.
Stephanie says she hopes hopes to share health and joy with others through pharmacy and event planning.
Special thanks to tattoo artist Kim Durham, and photographer Denny Kim. Your work is stunning.
As a reminder: I give away --for FREE!-- an expression of gratitude (a letter, a tattoo, a quote, etc.) every month. Please contact me if you have someone in your life who deserves thanks and recognition. I'm without a winner for March - May and would love to hear from you.
And you can read more about tattoos here.
Check out the tutorial here. Thanks so much, Emly + Joy!
I'm home and sorting through the bounty of paper products. I can't wait to share a few more finds and snaps. But before I do: I'm so very beside myself to have collaborated with Joy, Jose and this happy couple. The splendid photos (including an oak! tree! covered! in! lace!) can be seen over at Once Wed. Check the site tomorrow for a tutorial on how I dyed these escort cards. For now, I'll leave you with a little glimpse of this fun project.
Heidi sent over some photos of their invitation suite taken by the talented Daniel Arnold. I love the simplicity of the design (also pictured, the only illustration I've ever done which is basically an asterisk). Are they not the sweetest looking couple?
I got these in the mail today and my jaw dropped. So often I send in scans of calligraphy, never see what becomes of the work, and move on to the next project. But I love it when I do get to see the final product. Mostly because it always underscores the bottomless creativity of my clients and collaborators. Thanks so much for sending these on, Erin (and now, to addressing them!).