Tom Basson, who is a pastor in South Africa, sent along these photos of the tattoo we worked on together, and I'm moved as always to share his tattoo story. He writes:
I really want my life to count for something greater than myself. And I really believe that if I want my life to matter, than I must learn to live into the things that matter to God. Of course, that begs the question, "What maters to God?", to which the ancient scriptures respond "To do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly."For me, these three statements become a vision statement for my life.
DO JUSTICE - That everyday I would fight for the cause of justice in this world: to be a voice for those who have no voice; to stand up for those who cannot stand at all; and to help those less fortunate than myself.
LOVE MERCY - To love those around me wholeheartedly; to extend grace and forgiveness, acknowledging my own deep need for grace and mercy.
WALK HUMBLY - That I would learn to carry humility with me wherever I go and accept the opinions and beliefs of others without judgement or a false sense of self-righteousness.
There are a couple of things that I've been struck by with my tattoo clients, and it is how often they embark on the process as a way to remind them of something that is greater than themselves. I'm surprised at how their their stories always remind me of the same thing. Thanks, Tom, Raoul & Jess!